Oracle ACE Pro
Oracle Solution Architect
Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Database Administration
Oracle Weblogic Administration
Oracle ACE Pro
Oracle Solution Architect
Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Database Administration
Oracle Weblogic Administration
Whenever a job fails for the 1st time, the job is deferred at the end of the phase and another job is assigned to that worker.
If the Job fail third time the job status will be shown as “Failed”.
Review the Worker log information into
Example: adwork001.log name for the worker number 1.
After fixing error, start (if is not already started) AD Controller and to use the option 2 “Tell worker to restart a failed job”.
When prompted we have to specify the worker which must be restarted.
If all the workers are failed, we can type all to restart all Workers.
During a patch process (or adadmin process) if a job fails and cannot be restarted, then the patch must be restarted.
Here are the steps for doing this:
PLEASE NOTE: When the patch will restart all the information in the database about this session must be accurate.
$ ps -eo pcpu,pid,user,args | grep workerid
3.We check if there are any child processes, which are consuming CPU by issuing following command:
$ ps -eo pcpu,pid,ppid,user,args | grep <Parent Process> | grep -v grep
1. kill at the OS level the processes associated with the Hanging Worker
$ kill -9 ProcesssNumber
2. fix the problem
3. Restart the worker (or the job)
a. Start AD Controller
b. Choose “4. Tell manager that a worker failed its job“
c. Choose “2. Tell worker to restart a failed job“
d. Restart the AD utility that was running when the node
1. Start AD Controller
2. Choose “3. Tell worker to quit“
3. Verify that no worker processes are running
During installation of Release 12 using RapidWiz, the following log files are created.
In case of any errors during the installation, we can use these log file locations for troubleshooting.
Before the installation starts:
The Rapidwiz Configuration File is saved in three locations,these are follows.
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