Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

Oracle Solution Architect

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Database Administration

Oracle Weblogic Administration

Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

Oracle Solution Architect

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Database Administration

Oracle Weblogic Administration

Database Scripts

October 11, 2017 How to Find Database Object and it’s Corresponding Datafiles
Database ScriptsScripts

How to Find Database Object and it’s Corresponding Datafiles SELECT DISTINCT t.ts#,                AS Tablespace_name,                AS DATAFILE, s.owner, s.segment_name, s.segment_type, s.bytes / 1024 / 1024 AS “MB” FROM   v$tablespace t, v$datafile d, dba_segments s WHERE  t.ts# = d.ts#…

October 11, 2017 How to Find CPU Usage for a Session
Database ScriptsScripts

How to Find CPU Usage for a Session SET linesize 145 SET pagesize 9999 COLUMN sid format 9999 heading ‘SID’ COLUMN serial_id format 999999 heading ‘Serial#’ COLUMN session_status format a9 heading ‘Status’ justify right

October 6, 2017 Generating AWR Reports
Database ScriptsOracle Database Material

Generating AWR Reports You can generate AWR reports by running SQL scripts, as described below :- # Generating an AWR…

October 1, 2017 How To Move Table to Different TableSpace
APPS DBAAppsDBA ScriptsDatabase ScriptsScripts

How To Move Table to Different TableSpace   SYNTAX ALTER TABLE table_name move TABLESPACE tablespace_name (INITIAL=64k MINEXTENTS=1 MAXEXTENTS=UNLIMITED);   EXAMPLE ALTER TABLE hr.employee_details move TABLESPACE hr; OR ALTER TABLE hr.employee_details move TABLESPACE hr (INITIAL=64k MINEXTENTS=1 MAXEXTENTS=UNLIMITED);