Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

Oracle Solution Architect

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Database Administration

Oracle Weblogic Administration

Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

Oracle Solution Architect

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Database Administration

Oracle Weblogic Administration


September 1, 2017 RAC Useful Parameters
Installation/Configurations10gInstallation/Configurations11gInstallation/Configurations12cOracle Database Material

RAC Useful Parameters

cluster_interconnects specify a specific IP address to use for the inetrconnect
_gcs_fast_config enables fast reconfiguration for gcs locks (true|false)
_lm_master_weight controls which instance will hold or (re)master more resources than others
_gcs_resources controls the number of resources an instance will master at a time
_lm_tickets controls the number of message tickets
_lm_ticket_active_sendback controls the number of message tickets (aggressive messaging)
_db_block_max_cr_dba limits the number of CR copies per DBA on the buffer cache (see grd)
_fairness_threshold used when too many CR requested arrive for a particular buffer and the block becomes disowned (see grd)
_gc_affinity_time specifies interval minutes for reamstering
_gc_affinity_limit defines the number of times a instance access the resource before remastering
_gc_affinity_minimum defines the minimum number of times a instance access the resource before remastering
_lm_file_affinity disables dynamic remastering for the objects belonging to those files
_lm_dynamic_remastering enable or disable remastering
_gc_defer_time define the time by which an instance deferred downgrading a lock (see Cache Fusion)
_lgwr_async_broadcast change the SCN boardcast method (see troubleshooting)



September 1, 2017 RAC Useful Views And Tables
Installation/Configurations10gInstallation/Configurations11gInstallation/Configurations12cOracle Database Material

RAC Useful Views And Tables

GCS and Cache Fusion Diagnostics

v$cache contains information about every cached block in the buffer cache
v$cache_transfer contains information from the block headers in SGA that have been pinged at least once
v$instance_cache_transfer contains information about the transfer of cache blocks through the interconnect
v$cr_block_server contains statistics about CR block transfer across the instances
v$current_block_server contains statistics about current block transfer across the instances
v$gc_element contains one-to-one information for each global cache resource used by the buffer cache

GES diagnostics

v$lock contains information about locks held within a database and outstanding requests for locks and latches
v$ges_blocking_enqueue contains information about locks that are being blocked or blocking others and locks that are known to the lock manager
v$enqueue_statistics contains details about enqueue statistics in the instance
v$resource_limits display enqueue statistics
v$locked_object contains information about DML locks acquired by different transactions in databases with their mode held
v$ges_statistics contains miscellaneous statistics for GES
v$ges_enqueue contains information about all locks known to the lock manager
v$ges_convert_local contains information about all local GES operations
v$ges_convert_remote contains information about all remote GES operations
v$ges_resource contains information about all resources known to the lock manager
v$ges_misc contains information about messaging traffic information
v$ges_traffic_controller contains information about the message ticket usage

Dynamic Resource Remastering

v$hvmaster_info contains information about current and previous master instances of GES resources in relation to hash value ID of resource
v$gcshvmaster_info the same as above but globally
v$gcspfmaster_info conatins information about current and previous masters about GCS resources belonging to files mapped to a particular master, including the number of times the resource has remastered

Cluster Interconnect

v$cluster_interconnects contains information about interconnects that are being used for cluster communication
v$configured_interconnects same as above but also contains interconnects that AC is aware off that are not being used


v$service services running on an instance
x$kjmsdp display LMS daemon statistics
x$kjmddp display LMD daemon statistics




September 1, 2017 RAC Acronyms in Used
APPS DBAInstallation/Configurations10gInstallation/Configurations11gInstallation/Configurations12cOracle Database Material

Real Application Cluster Acronyms


Global Cache Services in memory database containing current locks and awaiting locks, also known as PCM


Global Enqueue Services coordinates the requests of all global enqueues uses the GCS, also known as non-PCM


Global Resource Directory all resources available to the cluster (formed and managed by GCS and GES), see GRDfor more details


Global Resource Manager helps to coordinate and communicate the locks requests between Oracle processes


Global Services Daemon runs on each node with one GSD process per node. The GSD coordinates with the cluster manager to receive requests from clients such as the DBCA, EM, and the SRVCTL utility to execute administrative job tasks such as instance startup or shutdown. The GSD is not an Oracle instance background process and is therefore not started with the Oracle instance


Parallel Cache Management formly know as (integrated) Distributed Lock Manager, its another name for GCS


n/a it is a identifiable entity it basically has a name or a reference, it can be a area in memory, a disk file or an abstract entity

Resource (Global)

n/a a resource that can be accessed by all the nodes within the cluster examples would be the following

Data Buffer Cache Block

Transaction Enqueue

Database Data Structures


Lock Value Block contains a small amount of data regarding the lock


Traffic Controller controls the DLM traffic between instances (messaging tickets)



May 19, 2017 What is the location of alert.log file in Oracle Database 11g?
Installation/Configurations11gOracle Database Material

 What is the location of alert.log file in Oracle Database 11g?

SQL> select value from v$parameter where name='background_dump_dest';


$ cd /u0/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace
$ ls 
alert_orcl.log   orcl_j001_25686.trm  orcl_ora_20641.trc

or in SQL *PLUS

SQL> show parameter background_dump_dest;
To find the location of the diagnostic_dest, can use the following:
SQL> select value from v$parameter where name='diagnostic_dest';


To know the current ORACLE_SID, you can use following select:

SQL> select instance_name from v$instance;


Alert log file consist alert_.log