Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

Oracle Solution Architect

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Database Administration

Oracle Weblogic Administration

Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

Oracle Solution Architect

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Database Administration

Oracle Weblogic Administration


November 1, 2017 A Brief Introduction to ADPatch
APPS DBAInstallations/Configurations-ApplicationsOracle APPS DBA

A Brief Introduction to ADPatch

AutoPatch (adpatch)

“AutoPatch (adpatch) is the utility you use to apply patches to the Oracle E-Business Suite file system or database.”


Modes Of adpatch

There Are Four Modes given Below In which ADpatch Can Be User

  1. Interactive mode
  2. Non-Interactive mode
  3. Test mode
  4. Pre-Install mode


Interactive Mode

It is the default mode of ADpatch. We can apply patch in this mode by going into patch directory and simply type adpatch in command prompt and hit enter.



You can apply Patch in this mode as:

$adpatch Interactive=no

It uses default files to store prompt values and can be applied from patch directory.


Test Mode

This mode is purposely used to check what exactly patch will do without actually changing anything.

We can apply patch in this mode as:

$adpatch apply=no

By default apply=yes


PreInstall Mode

This mode is used for any upgrade or consolidated update of utilities itself. It is suggested to apply pre-install patch first.

When we apply patch in preinstall mode, it updates all AD utilities before upgrade or update.

We can apply adpatch in this mode as:

$adpatch preinstall=y


Options used in adpatch

We have multiple adpatch options and based on the requirement we can use specific options.


This options is used to skip the autoconfig execution, whereas by default it executes the autoconfig and updates the configuration file if any template file is added. This option is helpful when we apply multiple adpatch and they are not merged.

$adpatch options=noautoconfig


Nocompiledb(without compiling database)

While we apply adpatch, It may create invalid objects and by default adpatch compiles the invalid objects after patch application. But in case you do not want to compile invalid objects to ensure the minimal autopatch time, you can apply adpatch as below:

$adpatch options=nocompiledb



This option is used to apply adpatch without copying the files present in copy driver. This can be applies as:

$adpatch options=nocopyportion



Adpatch also compiles the java server pages(JSP) after completion of patch application and can be skipped using the option nocompilejsp as below:

$adpatch options=nocompilejsp



Nodatabaseportion option is used to skip the adpatch the activity of database driver. It can be used as:

$adpatch options=nodatabaseportion



Nogenerateportion option is used to skip the adpatch activity of generate driver portion of the patch  and you can use the option nogenerateportion as below:

$adpatch options=nogenerateportion


Maintenance Mode disabled

This option is used to apply patch without enabling maintenance mode. It can be used as:

$adpatch options=hotpatch



This option is used to skip the relinking and can be used as:

$adpatch options=nolink



This option is used to skip the generate form file. It can be used as:

$adpatch options=nogenform



This Option is used to execute the maintain MRC schema as part of patch. By default maintain MRC is done for standard patch and is disabled for documentation and translation patches.

$adpatch options=nomaintainmrc



This option is used to skip the pre-requisite Checks of Patches. This option can be used as below:

$adpatch options=noprereq




November 1, 2017 How to Check Version of Apache in Oracle Apps?
APPS DBAInstallations/Configurations-ApplicationsOracle APPS DBA

How to Check Version of Apache in Oracle Apps?

Step 1. Goto Oracle Application Home 

$ cd $IAS_ORACLE_HOME/Apache/Apache/bin/

$ pwd


Step 2. Write httpd -v to fetch the Version Details of Apache

$ httpd -v

Server version: Oracle-Application-Server-10g/ Oracle-HTTP-Server

Server built:   Dec 27 2006 02:31:21

October 20, 2017 How to rename a Datafile with Extension .dbf?
APPS DBAErrors/Workarounds10gErrors/Workarounds11gErrors/Workarounds12cOracle APPS DBAOracle Database Material

How to rename a Datafile with Extension .dbf?

For example we have  added a datafile but we forgot to give the extension .dbf

Step 1. Shut down the Database

SQL> shutdown immediate;


Step 2. Startup the Database in Mount State

SQL> startup mount

Step 3. Now copy the datafile by renaming it with .dbf extension

$cp /u01/app/oracle/user2  /u01/app/oracle/user2.dbf


Step 4. Now rename database file at Database Level

SQL> alter database rename file ‘/u01/app/oracle/user2’ to ‘/u01/app/oracle/user2.dbf’;


Step 5. Now Open the Database

SQL> alter database open;



October 10, 2017 Adding responsibility to SYSADMIN user resulted ORA-20001: FND_CANT_INSERT_USER_ROLE
Errors/Workarounds-ApplicationsOracle APPS DBA


Oracle error – 20001: ORA-20001: FND_CANT_INSERT_USER_ROLE


This Issue exists in default R12 installation

Step 1. Run the concurrent program “Workflow Directory Services User/Role Validation” with parameters : 100000, Yes, Yes, No

Step 2. Bounce all services under oacore or bounce opmnctl .

Reference Oracle Note id : 454988.1