How to Find CPU Usage for a Session

How to Find CPU Usage for a Session
SET linesize 145
SET pagesize 9999
COLUMN sid format 9999 heading ‘SID’
COLUMN serial_id format 999999 heading ‘Serial#’
COLUMN session_status format a9 heading ‘Status’ justify right
COLUMN oracle_username format a12 heading ‘Oracle User’ justify right
COLUMN os_username format a9 heading ‘O/S User’ justify right
COLUMN os_pid format 9999999 heading ‘O/S PID’ justify right
COLUMN session_program format a20 heading ‘Session Program’ trunc
COLUMN session_machine format a14 heading ‘Machine’ justify right trunc
COLUMN cpu_value format 999, 999, 999, 999 heading ‘CPU’
prompt +—————————————————-+
prompt | USER sessions ordered BY cpu |
prompt +—————————————————-+
SELECT s.sid sid,
s.serial# serial_id,
Lpad(s.status, 9) session_status,
Lpad(s.username, 12) oracle_username,
Lpad(s.osuser, 9) os_username,
Lpad(p.spid, 7) os_pid,
s.program session_program,
Lpad(s.machine, 14) session_machine,
sstat.value cpu_value
FROM v$process p,
v$session s,
v$sesstat sstat,
v$statname statname
WHERE p.addr (+) = s.paddr
AND s.sid = sstat.sid
AND statname.statistic# = sstat.statistic#
AND = ‘CPU used by this session’
ORDER BY cpu_value DESC