Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

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Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

Oracle Solution Architect

Oracle E-Business Suite

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure

Oracle Fusion Middleware

Oracle Database Administration

Oracle Weblogic Administration

Blog Post

What is the location of alert.log file in Oracle Database 11g?

What is the location of alert.log file in Oracle Database 11g?

 What is the location of alert.log file in Oracle Database 11g?

SQL> select value from v$parameter where name='background_dump_dest';


$ cd /u0/app/oracle/diag/rdbms/orcl/orcl/trace
$ ls 
alert_orcl.log   orcl_j001_25686.trm  orcl_ora_20641.trc

or in SQL *PLUS

SQL> show parameter background_dump_dest;
To find the location of the diagnostic_dest, can use the following:
SQL> select value from v$parameter where name='diagnostic_dest';


To know the current ORACLE_SID, you can use following select:

SQL> select instance_name from v$instance;


Alert log file consist alert_.log

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