Oracle ACE Pro
Oracle Solution Architect
Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Database Administration
Oracle Weblogic Administration
Oracle ACE Pro
Oracle Solution Architect
Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Database Administration
Oracle Weblogic Administration
1. Is this a Multinode Install or a Single Node Install.
– If this is a Multinode Install, you will need access to the Middle Tier and the Backend Tier (Concurrent Processor) 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora files
– If this is a Single Node Install, you need access to the Concurrent Processor 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/tnsnames.ora file
2. Run a report, is there actually a Report Output and Log file being produced at the Operating System level?
– Check the $APPLCSF/out and the $APPLCSF/log directories for the Request_ID out and log file
– If there are no log and output file being produces there Check the permissions on those directories (APPLMGR should have write)
– If $APPLCSF is not set, check the $FND_TOP/log and out for output and logs
3. Confirm that there are 2 listener processes actively running for the Instance that you cannot view reports on — 1 from 8.0.6 and from 8.1.6 directory structures
– type the following:
ps -ef | grep tnslsnr
– If there is only 1 listener running from the 8.1.6 directory structure
That is the Database Listener
The FNDFS listener needs to be started separately from the Database Listener
– To start the FNDFS Listener:
a. Log the Operating System Level as the APPLMGR account user
b. Set the environment for the $APPL_TOP & 8.0.6 $ORACLE_HOME (APPSORA.env)
c. Go to the $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts (Common_top area)
d. Run the following script: start APPS_SID
(you can confirm the FNDFS Listener name from viewing the 8.0.6 ORACLE_HOME/network/admin/listener.ora file)
4. Check the actual machine name for the Concurrent Processor Server
– type the following:
uname -n
5. Go to the Applications and check the CONCURRENT > MANAGER > ADMINISTER screen in the System Administrator Responsibility The INTERNAL MANAGER NODE NAME,is it the same as what was returned from question 4?
– If it is the same then continue with next step
– If it is not the same,
Shutdown Concurrent Managers and update the FND table:
a. Go to the $OAD_TOP/admin/scripts
b. apps/apps stop
c. Connect to SQL*PLUS apps/apps
d. SQL > select target_node from FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES;
This may return the name of an old machine
e. SQL > update FND_CONCURRENT_QUEUES set target_node=” where target_node=”;
f. SQL > commit;
g. SQL > exit
h. apps/apps start
6. In the 8.0.6 TNSNAMES.ora file, look at the FNDFS_ connection string entry.
Is the hostname value the same as is in questions 4?
– The Rapid Install creates 2 or sometimes 3 FNDFS entries in the TNSNAMES.ora
a. 1 with the FNDFS_
b. 1 with the FNDFS_
c. 1 with the FNDFS_
– The one that is the correct entry is FNDFS_ (hostname being what is returned from a “uname -n”)
– If this file does not contain the correct Hostname value
Make a backup of it and edit it to change the FNDFS entry.
7. Check the Network Connection for the FNDFS entry that was defined by the Rapid Install.
– At the Operating System Level
a. tnsping FNDFS_
– This should return the Hostname and Port information identical to the FNDFS entry in the TNSNAMES.ora file
8. Check the Following PROFILE > SYSTEM Options in The System Administrator Responsibility
CONCURRENT: Report Access Level (this must be set to USER or RESPONSIBILITY)
RRA: Service Prefix (this should be BLANK)
RRA: Enabled (this must be set to YES)
VIEWER: Text (this should be BLANK to view with the default text viewer)
Viewer: Text can Be set to “browser” to view with Netscape or IE
9. This step should be performed in a case where there might have been patches applied and possibly the FNDFS executable was not Relinked, or it may be missing from the file system or corrupted.
– Shutdown the FNDFS Listener
$OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/ stop APPS_SID
– Rename or Move the Current FNDFS executable before relinking
a. $FND_TOP/bin
b. As APPLMGR account user force=y “fnd FNDFS”
– Start the FNDFS Listener
$OAD_TOP/admin/scripts/ start APPS_SID
[edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= “fadeIn” entry_delay= “1” entry_duration= “0.5” entry_timing= “linear” exit_animation_type= “” exit_delay= “” exit_duration= “” exit_timing= “” animation_repeat= “infinite” keep= “yes” animate_on= “load” scroll_offset= “” custom_css_class= “”]
Metalink Note : ID 117012.1
Run the following command to enable Forms Socket Mode on Forms/web nodes (Place correct context file name and port value)
$FND_TOP/bin/ -script=ChangeFormsMode -contextfile=$CONTEXT_FILE -mode=socket -port=9030 -runautoconfig=No
Where port = forms port and contextfile=your environment contextfile
To Start/Stop/check Status of forms servers use following scripts
$./ status/stop/start
‘crsctl’ command from Root or Oracle user can be used to check the clusterware health ,while for starting or stopping we have to use Root user or any privilege user.
$ crsctl check crs
To change the VIP (virtual IP) on a RAC node, use the command:
$ srvctl modify nodeapps -A new_address
ACMS stands for Atomic Controlfile Memory Service.
In an Oracle RAC environment ACMS is an agent that ensures a distributed SGA memory update, (i.e.) SGA updates are globally committed on success or globally aborted in event of a failure.
No, crossover cables are not supported with Oracle Clusterware interconnects.
No,it can be used only for Oracle database 11g releases(from 11.1).
We need to stop and delete the instance in the node first in interactive or silent mode. After that ASM can be removed using srvctl tool as follows:
srvctl stop asm -n node_name
srvctl remove asm -n node_name
We can verify if ASM has been removed by issuing the following command:
srvctl config asm -n node_name
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