Oracle ACE Pro
Oracle Solution Architect
Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Database Administration
Oracle Weblogic Administration
Oracle ACE Pro
Oracle Solution Architect
Oracle E-Business Suite
Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Oracle Fusion Middleware
Oracle Database Administration
Oracle Weblogic Administration
find . -name ‘*.trc’ -mtime +[N in days] -exec rm {} \;
Command will delete files older then N days in that directory
cp -ip file.txt file_txt_bkp
find . -mtime -<ndays> -exec ls -lt {} \;
ls -l | sort -nrk 5 | more
du -sm *|sort -nr|head -10
->cat /proc/cpuinfo (CPU)
->cat /proc/meminfo (Memory)
netstat -an | grep {port no}
lsof | grep {port no.}
lsof should be installed and in path.Many times it will be installed eith root user.Make sure you have that permission
grep pattern file_name ( find pattern in particular file )
grep -i pattern file_name (find pattern ignoring the case)
ln -s pointing_to_original_file symbolic_link_name
ln -s /home/text.txt test.txt
fc -l
fc -e – ls ( Would execute the last ls command.)
History command will also do the same
zip -r new
compress file_name
tar -cvwf file.tar file.txt
tar -xvwf myfile.tar(System would unarchive (untar) the myfile.tar file into the current directory.)
tar -xvwzf myfile.tar.gz(System would unarchive (untar) the myfile.tar.gz file in the current directory.)
Use guzip command as follows:
gunzip file.gz
gzip -d file.gz
Files with extension tar.gz or .tgz are tar files compressed with gzip. On Unix system extract them with following command:
gunzip < file.tar.gz | tar xvf –
gunzip < file.tgz | tar xvf –
If you have GNU tar (Linux system) you can use the z option directly:
tar xvzf file.tar.gz
tar xvzf file.tgz
echo “This is going to be body of the mail” |mailx -s “Subject:Testing” “”
df -gt
We can Enable or Disable Maintenance mode without using ADADMIN through following given procedure:
fnd_user_pkg.addresp(username => Application User Name
,resp_app => Responsiblity_Application_Short_Name
,resp_key => Responsibility_Key
,security_group => Security_Group ‘Mostly it is ‘STANDARD’ so it can be hard coded it’
,description => Any comments you want
,start_date => Sysdate From Today
,end_date => Sysdate + any number of days which is required);
‘Add Sysadmin Responsibility to SYEDSAADALI‘, SYSDATE, SYSDATE + 100);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line (‘Responsibility Added Successfully’);
DBMS_OUTPUT.put_line ( ‘ Responsibility is not added due to ‘ || SQLCODE || SUBSTR (SQLERRM, 1, 100));
Routine AFPGCP cannot create a process ID for your concurrent manager process ORACLE error 8004 in FDUUID
Cause: FDUUID failed due to ORA-08004: sequence FND_CONCURRENT_PROCESSES_S.NEXTVAL exceeds MAXVALUE and cannot be instantiated.
TheCall to establish_icm failed
The Internal Concurrent Manager has encountered an error.
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