Enable Automatic Compilation of JSP pages in R12

Enable Automatic Compilation of JSP pages in R12
1.Login into Oracle E-Business suite and select System Administrator responsibility
2. Select function AutoConfig (under Oracle Applications Manager)
For each web tier server perform the following:
-Click on pencil icon under Edit Parameters
-Select tab System
-Expand section jtff_server
3. Change value for the entry s_jsp_main_mode from justrun to recompile Confirm the change by clicking Save button
4. Run AutoConfig to propagate the changes to the configuration files
Verify that the $INST_TOP/ora/10.1.3/j2ee/oacore/application-deployments/oacore/html/orion-web.xml has the following:
Check param-name “main_mode“ under init-param variables
Its changed into “recompile“
5. Restart the web tier services