ProcessorException: Unable to determine SMTP server to use: set FND_SMTP_HOST
Outpost Processot has encoutered the below error.
This error can be found in OPP logs:
[GC 14000K->8604K(32459K), 0.0068459 secs]
ProcessorException: Unable to determine SMTP server to use: set FND_SMTP_HOST
at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.EmailDeliveryProcessor.deliver(
at oracle.apps.fnd.cp.opp.DeliveryProcessor.process(
Step 1. Log into System Administrator responsibility.
Step 2. Navigate to Profile > System.
Step 3. Query up the %smtp% profiles.
Step 4. Set the following profile values to the defined host and port:
FND:smtp Host
FND:smtp Port