Syed Saad Ali

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Syed Saad Ali

Oracle ACE Pro

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Blog Post

Temporary Tablespace and Datafile Management in Oracle database

Temporary Tablespace and Datafile Management in Oracle database

Temporary Tablespace and Datafile Management in Oracle database

1.  For Finding temp file and temp tablespace with size

SELECT file#, 
       bytes / 1024 / 1024 “Size_MB”, 
FROM   v$tempfile; 

SELECT file_name, 
       bytes / 1024 / 1024 / 1024, 
FROM   dba_temp_files; 

2. Add tempfile to existing temp tablespace

SQL>ALTER TABLESPACE temp ADD tempfile ‘/u02/apps/oracle/temp01_01.dbf’ SIZE 

3. Add new temp tablespace and make as default

SQL>CREATE TEMPORARY TABLESPACE temp2 tempfile ‘/u02/apps/oracle/temp01.dbf’ SIZE 2g autoextend ON;


Note: use “reuse” if datafile physically exists.

4. Making old Temporary Tablespace Offline

SQL>ALTER DATABASE tempfile ‘/u02/apps/oradata/temp01.dbf’ OFFLINE; 

5. Drop Temporary Tablespace 


NOTE: Don’t drop immediatly, Check user is using TEMP tablespace by the Below Given Query, then you can drop

SELECT a.username, 
       ||a.serial#                  SID_SERIAL, 
       c.spid                       Process, 
       b.tablespace                 tablespace, 
       SUM(b.extents) * 1024 * 1024 SPACE 
FROM   v$session a, 
       v$sort_usage b, 
       v$process c, 
       dba_tablespaces d 
WHERE  a.saddr = b.session_addr 
       AND a.paddr = c.addr 
       AND b.tablespace = d.tablespace_name 
GROUP  BY a.username, 

6. Shrink Temporary Tablespace

SQL>ALTER TABLESPACE temp shrink tempfile ‘/u02/apps/oradata/temp01.dbf’ keep 10g;

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