descriptive flexfield with application name iAssets (IA) and name IA Request Headers (IA_REQUEST_HEADERS) is not frozen

The descriptive flexfield with application name iAssets (IA) and name IA Request Headers (IA_REQUEST_HEADERS) is not frozen. Please contact your system administrator.
Step 1. Navigate to Responsibility Fixed Assets Manager.
Step 2. Now, Navigate to Setup > Financials > Flexfields > Descriptive > Segments
Step 3. Press F11 and Query Application = iAssets and Title = IA Request Headers
Step 4. Click the “Freeze Flexfield Definition” checkbox and then hit the “Compile” button.
Step 5. stop/start the webserver.
Step 6. Retest in iAssets again.
[edsanimate_start entry_animation_type= “fadeIn” entry_delay= “0.5” entry_duration= “0.5” entry_timing= “linear” exit_animation_type= “” exit_delay= “” exit_duration= “” exit_timing= “” animation_repeat= “infinite” keep= “yes” animate_on= “load” scroll_offset= “” custom_css_class= “”]
REFERENCE: Unable to Compile a Descriptive Flexfield (DFF) : Flexfield View Generator Program is Not Spawned (Doc ID 1562495.1)