Query to find workflow services are up and running?

Query to find workflow services are up and running?
SELECT fcq.user_concurrent_queue_name container_name,
DECODE (fcp.os_process_id,
NULL, ‘Not
) procid,
fcq.max_processes target, fcq.running_processes actual,
fcq.enabled_flag enabled, fsc.component_name, fsc.component_type,
fsc.startup_mode, fsc.component_status, SYSDATE dates
FROM apps.fnd_concurrent_queues_vl fcq,
apps.fnd_cp_services fcs,
apps.fnd_concurrent_processes fcp,
fnd_svc_components fsc
WHERE fcq.manager_type = fcs.service_id
AND fcs.service_handle = ‘FNDCPGSC’
AND fsc.concurrent_queue_id = fcq.concurrent_queue_id(+)
AND fcq.concurrent_queue_id = fcp.concurrent_queue_id(+)
AND fcq.application_id = fcp.queue_application_id(+)
AND fcp.process_status_code(+) = ‘A’
ORDER BY fcp.os_process_id, fsc.startup_mode;